I realize that by reading this blog one would be inclined to assume that all I do is eat food because it's all about food I've cooked/baked, but I didn't take up cooking or baking until this summer. It's amazing how peaceful having free time is... if I could wish for anything right now, free time would definitely be at the top of that list. I know that I took my free time for granted over the summer, yet I was experiencing the most relaxing period of my life so far. I could do whatever I wanted, almost whenever I wanted. Now my life is 100% structure, even my weekends are fairly structured because I've been traveling with friends on the weekends and there's always an event that we have to be at next. Four months ago I believed that structure was necessary for my survival because it was all I knew, but now having so much structure in my life makes me feel like I'm in restraints - stomping through life as a lifeless zombie from one daunting task to the next; class, work, class, meetings, eat, homework, procrastination, homework, nap, repeat. For anyone out there who has excessive free time on their hands, embrace it now! Carpe Diem! Go out, have an adventure without predetermined plans, do whatever your little heart desires...
List of things to do with free time:
- surf
- dance party!!!
- photography
- paint
- run
- walk along the beach
- watch random TV shows
- hangout with friends
- visit the friends I miss
- find new music online
- clean my house
- fix the broken things in my house
- clean/organize/dispose of junk from my past
- read fun books
- research ways to improve the world
- have an adventure
- try new restaurants
- cause a ruckus in the world
- cook/bake
- play with my doggies
- there are probably other fun things I can't think of at this moment... :)
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